Annual conference papers

2007 AES International Conference - Melbourne - Program

Conference Theme:
Doing Evaluation Better


Wednesday 5 September 2007


Registration Open


Opening Address


Professor Hallie Preskill


Morning tea


Concurrent Sessions 1







Lynda Berends

Chris Milne

Ralph Straton

Anona Armstrong

Patricia Rogers

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Marie-Anne Selkirk

Dancing with the Stars - Indigenous knowledge and customs to the forefront in evaluation

Bradley Shrimpton

Gathering powerful and influental data with digital video

Peter Wilkins

Monitoring and evaluation of a multi-agency response to homelessness

Faith Mahoney

Adaptation of the Kakala model in the evaluation of health promotion programmes in Pacific Church Communities.

John Hanwright &
Sharnie Makinson

Evaluation, not just a matter of training or resources but a cultural change


Concurrent Sessions 2







Chris Milne

Lynda Berends

Ralph Straton

Anona Armstrong

Patricia Rogers

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Maggie Pressnell

Balancing values in evaluation

Gamini Wijesekere

Indigenous population data for evaluation and performance measurement: a cautionary note

Barbara Rosenstein & Rivanna Miller
The Influence of Attribution on Perceived Impact in a Cross-Cultural Project in Israel

Wendy Hodge

Learning about evaluation through evaluating learning

Gwyn Jolley

Managing evaluation in a complex environment: evaluating the impact of health system governance change

John Martin

Fulfilling ASEAN dreams - how will we know?

Anne Redman

Evaluation in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities - The ‘Breaking New Ground' Community Cultural Development pilot project


Nancy Sheehan

Building a community of evaluation practice for Iwi Maori and Pacific people's providers of Child Youth and Family social services

Melisah Feeney

Innovative participatory research and evaluation: Opening the door to Indigenous communities


Lunch & Poster Session


Concurrent Sessions 3







Ranjit Bhagwandas

Graeme Smith

Bradley Shrimpton

Cheryl Reed

Margaret MacDonald

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Liz Orr, Ray Burrows, Veronica Johns, Sharon Gollan, & Kathleen Stacey

Practising cultural accountability within evaluation work in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contexts

Jenni Livingston

Identifying flaws in program logic models and their use

Margo Northey

Who's making a difference? Community Strengthening in Victoria

David Earle

Evaluating aspirations - the case of the New Zealand Tertiary Education Strategy

Julie Foley

Building Evaluators' Capacity

Ross Conner

Draw the Path: A new method for retrospective evaluation where participants create a logic model—without realizing it and with a lot of laughter, thought and learning

Linh Chi Nguyen

Evaluation capacity development through practice - a case study from Vietnam

Judith Smith

In search of rigour and relevance: reflections on national evaluations of primary care organizations in New Zealand and England

Paul Aylward

Evaluation of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Community initiatives in South Australia: Juggling planning and practice


Concurrent Sessions 4







Bradley Shrimpton

Cheryl Reed

Deborah King

Graeme Smith

Margaret MacDonald

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 4

Vivienne Kennedy

Privileging indigenous knowledge, practices and values in evaluation

Cate Jones

Listening to and engaging with the Aboriginal community

Rick Cummings

Challenges in Policy Evaluation

Pamela St Leger,
Diane McDonald and Lyn Campbell

Turning Good Intentions into Good Interventions: How Program Logic was Used to Influence Practice in the Back on Track and Bright Futures Programs.

Ilan Katz

Involving practitioners in evaluative research - challenges and opportunities

Janet Clinton

What is the goodness of fit between the evaluator and knowledge broker?

Grant Pittams

Evaluation in a Sensitive Area – identification and management of ethical issues in the area of sexual abuse

Anona Armstrong

Assessment, Evaluation and Improvement of Board Performance

Colin Sharp

The role of evaluation in Governance Standards.


Afternoon Tea


Concurrent Sessions 5







Jerome Winston

Francois Tsafack

Mathea Roorda

John Owen

Penny Hawkins

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 4

Kirsty Fenton and
Bernadette Swanson

'Onward and Outward' - the new phase in evaluation capability building in government organisations.

Maximilien Tereraho

Cost-effectiveness analysis as a tool for program/policy development and evaluation in Human Services

Juthika Badkar

Changes to the Pacific Access Category policy: Settlement outcomes of Tongan migrants

Rosemary McKenzie

"Use it or lose it" - employing participatory approaches to maximise use of evaluation and influence policy in health promotion

Jessica Kenway

Evaluating law and justice reform in Papua New Guinea - lessons learnt

Ranjit Bhagwandas &
Alison Angleton

Data collection challenges with ‘difficult to enagage groups’

Paul Nichols

New Forms of Aid and changing expectations for outcome monitoring in the Australian Aid program

Liz Orr, Ray Burrows, Veronica Johns & Merridy Malin

Partnerships in Action Research Evaluation (PARE): Localising national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources and strengthening evaluation capacity

S. Theodore Demaisip

Crafting the Philippines Australia Human Resource Development Facility (PAHRDF) Evaluation Framework and System: A Venture to Synthesise the Program Theories on Workplace Training and Institution Capacity Building


Concurrent Sessions 6






Think Tank

Francois Tsafack

Mathea Roorda

Penny Hawkins

John Owen

Rick Cummings

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 1

Marge Wong & Charles Rolleston

Cultural beliefs have value also: working with participants whose values may differ from that of the evaluator.

Sandiran Premakanthan

Results based Management Accountability Framework (RMAF): A Cost-Effective Way to Gathering Performance Results Evidence on Policy, Program and Initiative

Clare Dominick

Healthy Eating Healthy Action: Oranga Kai Oranga Pumau (HEHA) Strategy evaluation - addressing complexity in public health policy evaluation

Marie Gervais

The transfer of information during the evaluation process:

Larraine Larri

Web 2.0 / Social Software - What is it and what are the implications for Evaluation theory and practice?

Mona Fjellstrom

The influence of evaluation in higher education – curriculum development through a deliberative responsive dialogue with stakeholders

Eileen Piggot-Irvine

Triangulation in Action: Mixed Method Evaluation of a Professional Development Programme for Special Needs Teachers

Jo Norman

What can a health services evaluator learn from social development thinking? Using Outcome Mapping to show attributions in the Victorian alcohol and drug context.

Meenakshi Sankar

And around we go again?Getting off the linear policy cycle


Welcome Reception

Thursday 6 September 2007


Registration Open


Keynote Address

Professor Ray Pawson


Morning tea


Concurrent Sessions 7




Debates and Dilemmas



Sandiran Premakanthan

Bridget Roberts

Jessica Kenway

David Earle

Kim Brophy

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Anthea Rutter

Lessons Learnt: The Pursuit of Quality in the not-for-profit sector

Amelia Lake

Report on stakeholder engagement during system redesign of a Hospital Admission Risk Program

Helen Goodman,
Fiona Dunstand & Jacques Boulet

Community Response-Ability in Bushfire Preparedness

Sally Faisandier

The New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey 2006 and the challenge of monitoring government performance

Nic Oliver

An Integrated Model for South Arican Development Programmes: RSA M&E and RBM

Jerome Winston

Performance Measures and Indicators -- Which Myth When: Philosopher's Stone, Emperor's New Clothes, Tower of Babel or Magic Pudding?

David Hall

An evaluation of benefits of bilingual officers in providing training and advice to non-English Background Farmers

Donna Loveridge

Can evaluation for learning and adaptive management increase our understanding of capacity development? Some reflections on experience in Papua New Guinea.



Concurrent Sessions 8







Bridget Roberts

David Earle

Kim Brophy

Sandiran Premakanthan

Bradley Shrimpton

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 1

Debbie King

Evaluation in Indigenous Communities

Carol Tutchener

Doing HEAT better: The challenges of integrated action research evaluation

Catriona King

Evaluation of the Tackling Weeds on Private Land  initiative on the Garden industry in Victoria

Marion Norton

Better Outcomes from Better Decisions: Evaluation as a pillar of performance management

John Owen

Strategies for Disseminating Evaluation Knowledge:Meet the Editors

Elaine Hogard

Using Communication Audits to Evaluate Organisational Communication

Geoff Gook

Managing in Two World's - Victoria's Governance Training Program

Todd Sansness

Integrating qualitative and quantitative information in an evaluation

Sally Plever

Collaboratives - clinician driven evaluation


Short Break

12.15pm- 1.00pm

Concurrent Sessions 9







Jenny Neale

Ranjit Bhagwandas

Rick Cummings

Cheryl Reed

Penny Hawkins

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Penny Hawkins

Roundtable on Evaluation in International Contexts

Sandra Collins, Sue Watson & Edith Chaney

Engaging Parents and Whänau: an evaluation of the partnerships between schools and parents and whänau that positively impact on student learning, well-being and achievement

Kate Roberts

Observing the right outcomes to be able to attribute

Riki Savaya

Monitoring and Evaluation of Results in Social Welfare Agencies: The Place of People

Kate Nichols & Pham Thanh Hoa

"NOT lost in translation", Challenges and opportunities for evaluation capability building in the agriculture research sector, Vietnam

Julie McGeary

Managing a complex evaluation – the case of “Our Rural Landscape”

Jill Charker

Developing rigorous quasi-experimental designs for evaluation

Karin Schofield

Supporting clients through action research:The Evaluation of the National Diabetes Support Team

Catherine Hurley

Identifying the elephant in the room- evaluation as a circuit breaker in a conflicted context

1.00pm - 2.00pm



Concurrent Sessions 10







Nea Harrison

Pamela St Ledger

Graeme Harvey

Marie Gervais

Anthea Rutter

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 4

Nan Wehipeihana

Indigenous Evaluation: A Strategic Objective of the Australasian Evaluation Society. Reflections on the journey to date

David Thomas

Client views about cultural competence in primary health care encounters

Dale Miller

Application of a ‘clinical trial' methodology in an educational context: the WA middle schooling evaluation.

John Guenther

The roles of the evaluator as objective observer and active participant. Are they mutually exclusive?

June Lennie

The value of participatory action research for managing a collaborative ICT impact assessment project in Nepal


Concurrent Sessions 11







Marie Gervais

Ralph Straton

Pamela St Ledger

Graeme Harvey

Anthea Rutter

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Emma Slaytor

Bringing results together – tears and triumphs in designing and implementing program evaluation with multiple evaluation inputs and stakeholder needs

Judith Woodland

Evaluation adding to the knowledge base – or not?

Jacqualine Vajda

Complexities of a multi-faceted evaluation to inform an annual national health campaign: short and intermediate measures

Claire Grealy

New communities, new practices

Robert Lake

Characteristics of well-managed evaluations - learnings from both sides

Rhonda Chapman

Describing the synergy between organisational values and development processes to enhance the assessment of NGO effectiveness.

Sue Goldman

Evaluation rigour compared to evaluation relevance: describing program effectiveness and synthesizing self-assessment findings

Christine Wilson

The consensus approach to service evaluation: Team composition and the value of team work

Angela Lee

Contracting-out evaluations: Issues for the contracting agency

3.30pm - 4.00pm

Afternoon Tea


Concurrent Sessions 12


Think Tank



Discussion Session

Think Tank


Helen Goodman

Colin Sharp

Bridget Roberts


Bernadette Swanson


Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 4


Anton Mischewski

Conducting evaluations of complex, multi-site programs in the not-for-profit sector.

Colin Sharp

Fellows' Forum

Debbie King

Engaging Hard to Reach Groups

Organising Committee
“Doing evaluation better – Where are we now? A discussion on the key focus questions for the conference”

Ledule Bosch

Institutionalizing Monitoring and Evaluation System in the Social Cluster in South Africa. The Case of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)



8.00pm – 11.00pm

Conference Dinner & Awards Presentation

Friday 7 September 2007


Registration Open


Keynote Address 4

Ms Sue Soal


Morning tea


Concurrent Sessions 13







Jenny Neale

Nan Wehipeihana

Jessica Kenway

Jerome Winston

Andrew Newmarch

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

John Owen

Using the Concepts of Merit and Worth in Determining the Value of Programmatic Interventions

John Scougall

A Roadmap through the Spinifex: Constructing an Outcome Hierarchy of Indigenous Sustainability

John Winter

More than the sum of the parts: assessing country level effectiveness in the Australian international development program

Kate McKegg

Taking Cues from Organisational Learning and Knowledge Management – A Strategic Approach to Improving the Quality and Use of Evaluation in a Large Government Organisation

Kristine Giddy

Managing Indigenous research: An evaluation of the Vibe Australia products


Concurrent Sessions 14


Think Tank





Patricia Rogers

Jenny Neale

Jessica Kenway

Jerome Winston

Andrew Newmarch

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Helen Watts

Making Sense out of Mixed Method Evaluations for Complex NRM Programs

Janet Clinton

Measuring organizational development in community based health initiatives.

Bandara Bandaranayake

The Victorian public sector reform initiatives and the process of ongoing public sector program evaluation

Sarah Appleton
Building Capacity in Community Based Health Interventions

Nicola Robinson

Doing Evaluation Better at the NSW Department of Community Services

Marie Delaney

Factors influencing the use of Appreciative Inquiry in evaluation practice: reflections from the field

Rick Cummings

The challenges of evaluating whole-of-government policy: Applications of current thinking

Bridget Roberts

Making Sense of Experience

Karen Fisher

Evaluating the cost effectiveness of social policy implementation - longitudinal case study of the Mental Health Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI)




Concurrent Sessions 15


Think Tank





Pamela St Ledger

Nea Harrison

Deborah King

Bernadette Swanson

Helen Goodman

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 4

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Rosalind Hurworth

To Pay or Not to Pay? That is the Question.

Sankar Ramasamy

A new approach to describing effective case management

Rob Williamson

Active participation - evaluating education provided for homeschooled students in New Zealand

Catherine Harper
Evaluation of population health status report to assess population health information needs

Julie Elliott
Strategic approach to evaluation capability building

Janet Kelly

Doing it together - encouraging young Aboriginal women to creatively co-evaluate health and education programs

Emma Halliday
Facilitating the use and influence of evaluation to support the planning and delivery of health improvement policy in Scotland

David McDonald &
Sally Lai

Evaluating Major National Strategies in Human Services: Challenges and Possibilities


Concurrent Sessions 16







Jo Norman

Nea Harrison

Graeme Harvey

Helen Goodman

Bernadette Swanson

Grand Waldorf 1

Grand Waldorf 2

Grand Waldorf 3

Grand Waldorf 5 & 6

Grand Waldorf 4

Sandiran Premakanthan

Value for Money (VFM) Evaluation Assessment Tool: A Standardized Way to Continuous Measurement of Program Relevance and Program Performance

Marlene Clarkson

Making meaning out of observations: Evaluating early childhood centres in New Zealand

Catherine Harper

Getting evidence into policy and practice: a framework for development of policy and practice recommendations applicable to the implmentation context

Kate Averill & Lloyd Jowsey

Keep evaluation reports off the shelf-using multiple media to engage decision makers

Antonia Kaucz

Gendered Evaluation

2.05pm- 2.35pm

Afternoon tea

2.35pm- 3.20pm

Closing session

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We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this nation. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands in which we conduct our business. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past and present. We are committed to honouring Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society.